
From Policy to Action: How Strong Climate Policies Shape Our World

In the fight against climate change, the spotlight often falls on individual actions — reducing plastic use, conserving water, or cycling to work. While these are undeniably important, the scale of the climate crisis demands systemic change, achievable through robust climate policies. These policies, when thoughtfully designed and rigorously implemented, have the power to transform […]

Empowering Women in Environmental Sustainability: A Catalyst for Change in Nigeria

Nigeria’s journey toward environmental sustainability intersects with a pivotal global challenge: gender equality. Recognizing women’s rights is not just ethical; it’s strategic, addressing pressing crises like climate change and resource scarcity. Women bear a disproportionate brunt of these issues, yet their innovation and leadership hold untapped solutions. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes the […]

The Pivotal Role of State Assemblies in Nigeria’s Green Future

Nigeria stands at a crossroads, where the actions taken today will determine the environmental legacy of tomorrow. The country’s rich biodiversity and abundant natural resources are juxtaposed with the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation. It is within this context that the role of state assemblies becomes pivotal in steering Nigeria towards a green […]

The Climate Change Imperative: Why Local Policy Changes Matter Now More Than Ever

As the impacts of climate change become increasingly evident around the globe, the urgency for action has never been more apparent. While international agreements and national strategies are crucial, local policy changes play an equally vital role in combating this existential threat. Local governments are on the front lines of climate change, dealing directly with […]

The Youth Climate Movement Driving Change in Nigeria

In Nigeria, a vibrant youth climate movement is rising, driven by a generation that refuses to remain on the sidelines of the climate crisis. This movement, marked by passion and creativity, is shaping a new narrative in environmental activism within the country. A Collective Awakening Young Nigerians are increasingly aware of the severe impacts of […]

Climate Action 101: The Basics Every Nigerian Needs to Know

Understanding Climate Change Climate change is not just a buzzword; it’s a reality affecting our great nation, Nigeria. It’s about the long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, primarily caused by human activities like burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. This phenomenon leads to more extreme weather conditions, impacting our agriculture, health, and economy. […]

Top 5 Reasons Why Institutions Must Take The Lead on Climate Policy Now

Introduction As the world grapples with the escalating crisis of climate change, the role of institutions in leading and shaping climate policy has never been more critical. From governmental bodies to educational and corporate entities, these organizations have the power, resources, and influence to drive significant changes. Here are the top five reasons why institutions […]


HBO’s The Last of Us has it all: zombies, action, and – the climate crisis? If you’re anything like us, the show may have sent you into a tailspin followed by some frantic Googling. In the opening scene, we meet a scientist in the 1960’s who claims that viruses and bacteria aren’t the pandemics that humans should […]

The Impact of Climate Change on Economic Growth

Climate change is one of the biggest threats to the global economy, and its effects are becoming more apparent with each passing year. From rising sea levels to extreme weather events, the effects of climate change are numerous and far-reaching. As such, it’s crucial that we understand the impact that climate change has on economic […]